01 January 2017

A Baker's Dozen of Favorite Books for the Year

I winnowed this down from about seventeen books:

book icon  Rilla of Ingleside, L.M. Montgomery
Technically a re-read, but this was a republished version of the original edition, which mine was not. (I had to order this from Amazon Canada, as the US store didn't have it!)

book icon  The Lost Art of Dress, Linda Przybyszewski
The last book I thought I'd like; how fashion consultants made American women the best dressed in the world, until the 1960s, using artistic principles. (Barnes & Noble purchase.)

book icon  Dead Presidents, Brady Carlson
Presidents of the US have made a stir even after death (particularly Abraham Lincoln, the target of grave robbers.) (Barne & Noble purchase.)

book icon  The Perfect Horse, Elizabeth Letts
The story of the rescue of the Lippizaner horses from the Spanish Riding School is more complicated than you think. (Amazon purchase.)

book icon  The Death of Lucy Kyte, Nicola Upson
Upson does a great job of recreating a 1930s-era atmosphere in her take on a real-life murder. (Barnes & Noble purchase.)

book icon  Martha's Vineyard: Isle of Dreams, Susan Branch
Branch's second book in her trilogy: how she found a real home, true love, and a career after a shattering divorce. Full of Branch's beautiful watercolors and photos. (Fox Tale Books.)

book icon  Harvest of Time, Alastair Reynolds
Third-Doctor-and-Jo adventure with new series sensibilities. The Master, the Brigadier, and other favorites make a welcome appearance.

book icon  The Yankee Road, James D. McNiven
The story of US-20, and apparently first in a series. This gets as far west as Pennsylvania. (Barnes & Noble purchase.)

book icon  Sweet Home Alaska, Carole Estby Dagg
Young adult delight. Impoverished farm family in the Depression move to Alaska to homestead. (Barnes & Noble purchase.)

book icon  Under Another Sky: Journeys in Roman Britain, Charlotte Higgins
Higgins introduces us to the remains of Roman settlement in modern-day Britain. For anthropology geeks like me! (Barnes & Noble purchase.)

book icon  Absolutely Truly, Heather Vogel Frederick
A military family moves to a small New England town after the father is injured in combat and the eldest daughter must find her own way. (Barnes & Noble purchase.)

book icon  The Natural World of Winnie-the-Pooh, Kathryn Aalto
Full of wonderful color photographs, this book is a tour of the landscape that inspired the 100-Acre Wood. (Amazon purchase.)

book icon  Born on a Mountaintop: On the Road with Davy Crockett and the Ghosts of the Wild Frontier, Bob Thompson
Frontier legend (some spread by Crockett himself) and Disney hero separated from fact. Not a biography, but how we see our pioneer ancestors. (Barnes & Noble purchase.)

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